Monday, August 28, 2006

Amidst the mayhem...

August is almost finished and yet it still feels like it will be take forever to end. This time of year belongs to the students. In efforts to prepare, plan, and organize for a new cohort of first year s, student affairs staff are working at a breakneck pace - no time for thoughtful planning...we are fully immersed in the season of "DO". The season of slogging boxes, running icebreakers, standing patiently at information fairs, workshopping your face know the drill.

But what are the results of such a pace of "doing"? The "season" hits and university staff no longer have mental space to think critically about processes, student development, or intentional programming.

I am feeling the frantic nature of August wind and wind and tight can I wind...I trust that I know my limit...right..I know when I am about the snap...I think...? At least I thought I could until this past year. The culture of the profession has warped my idea of what a normal working pace really is. Is student affairs effectively creating a culture of "mission impossible"? Are we attempting to keep up with the pace of other professions by taking on more at the expense of our staff and students?

I keep wondering whether I have chosen wisely - is this really the pace that I want in life? Can I imagine keeping these hours and this schedule beyond the year? I am disappointed that a profession that places so much emphasis on balance sets expectations beyond reach. Or..perhaps I am just not capable of the pace? Is it possible that certain people thrive in hectic lifestyles while others feel rushed off their feet?

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